R u g Z o o m S y n t h e t i c G r a s s & L a n d s c a p i n g C o m p a n y |
Artificial (synthetic) grass was originally created in the 1960s. It was first noticed by the American public in 1965 when Astroturf, one of the first brand names of artificial grass, was installed at the new Astrodome in Texas.
Artificial lawn products spread to Europe in the 1980�s. First generation synthetic grasses were not very popular � poor ball bounce, an increase in joint-impact injuries, artificial �look�, etc. However, with substantial design, manufacturing, and installation improvements the latest generation of artificial lawns has led to the reemergence of the synthetic lawn industry! The current generation of artificial (synthetic) lawns and grasses, when properly installed and in-filled, provide better fall test ratings than natural grass and are in fact less likely to produce severe head, neck, and joint impact injuries � to say nothing of the fact they look very much like natural grass and they are very low maintenance!
The materials used in the manufacturing of artificial and synthetic lawns have changed through the years � with each new generation of grasses. From artificial and synthetic lawn yarns to primary and secondary backings � improvements are continually being made. Our line of artificial (synthetic) lawn products is specifically selected for their realistic appearance, texture, and touch/feel. When installed it is hard to distinguish from natural grasses.
Today�s artificial grass is typically �infilled� � with either sand, crumb rubber, sand + crumb rubber mixture, an acrylic coated sand, or a rubber coated sand. Artificial (synthetic) grass infill serves two purposes � added weight to keep the grass down and to assist in holding the grass fibers upright. The amount of artificial (synthetic) grass infill required is a function of grass design/construction, face weight, grass pile height, and expected artificial lawn usage. Thus also our installations comply with even the most strict HOA guidelines in Chicago since it can be layed down and then removed with out being considered a "fixture".
In the last 3 years the demand for artificial (synthetic) grasses in lawn applications has grown dramatically � driven by improvements in the look and feel of the products, rising water rates, severe drought conditions in many states, and water restrictions in many counties. Demand has also been driven by the desire to have low maintenance, environmentally friendly living conditions. No more mowing the lawn.
Artificial lawns can be installed just about anywhere. They are the perfect solution to those drab high rise concrete slab balconies, roofdecks, hillsides that are tough to irrigate and maintain, and they can be used to beautify shaded areas under trees that have been a thorn in your side because it just won�t stay green!
Factors to consider when selecting your synthetic landscaping:
• Artificial lawn style that will compliment the natural lawns in your area
• Intended/anticipated synthetic lawn usage
• Local CC&R and/or HOA guidelines
• Budget
Beyond their amazing resemblance to natural grass, artificial lawns come with a range of added value and money saving benefits. Artificial lawns can be washed off with a simple garden hose; yard debris (e.g. leaves, etc.) can be removed with a leaf blower or an outdoor vacuum.